速報APP / 生產應用 / POS 4 Bluetooth Printer

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:#23A Street 371, Teukthla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖1)-速報App

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer has many features for a small business to get started with spending a lot of money on system.

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖2)-速報App

++ Bluetooth Printer : Fully support portable bluetooth printers producing from china because the app was coded using ESC printing encoded standard to send data wirelessly through bluetooth.

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖3)-速報App

++ Profit and Loss statement : Simple profit and loss report based on date.

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖4)-速報App

++ Sale Ledger : Record sales filter by date and type of sale ( partial, invoice , receipt )

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖5)-速報App

++ Switch employee : Manage employees and allow switch to take orders.

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖6)-速報App

++ Customer : Add customers and record their purchase history

POS 4 Bluetooth Printer(圖7)-速報App